GIS & Geology Portfolio

Neighborhood Health Analysis

  • Question: What is the relative health of Denver neighborhoods?
  • Findings: There is less than 1% chance that chronic diseases are randomly distributed throughout Denver.
  • Methods: ModelBuilder was used to combine individual chronic disease data sets and calculate the total percent of the population with one or more chronic diseases by neighborhood.  Spatial analysis tools and reports were used to determine distribution of chronic diseases throughout the city.
  • Software: ArcGIS for Desktop 10.3.1
  • Data Sources: Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment, US Census Bureau, Esri

Web and Mobile App Development

  • Custom Web Map – use of Esri Javascript API to combine hosted feature layer and access data maintained by CDPHE; hosted on GitHub
  • Web Application and Web AppBuilder – provide online guests to engage with explore data regarding scientific studies of ecology and public health.
  • LocaWild – Smartphone application developed to recommend outdoor recreation opportunities in Colorado based upon highest ranked Instagram images; Python, ArcGIS Desktop 10.3.1, data collection, management, and analysis.
  • Flagstaff Mountain Trash BashHard-copy and web map designed for a volunteer group to support annual clean-up of public open space.  Hard-copy map includes a QR code that allows volunteers to access images and directions cleaning up trash at specific locations; MotionX, ArcGIS Desktop 10.3.1, ArcGIS Online, QR code generation.

Geology Field Work

  • Question: What is the structural geology of Punta Judas, Costa Rica?
  • Findings: Punta Judas, Costa Rica, consists of significantly folded and faulted sedimentary layers.  Fault and joint orientation trend predominantly NW and NE.
  • Equipment: Brunton, aerial photographs, topographic maps.

Remote Sensing & Image Analysis

  • Question: What is the revegitation rate for closed ski areas?
  • Findings: Minimal revegetation of slopes at Geneva Basin, CO
  • Methods: Apply forest fire burn analysis methods to ski slopes including image georectification, spatial subset selection, unsupervised and supervised classification, to estimate percent change in vegetation.
  • Software: Google Earth, USGS EarthExplorer, ENVI, ArcGIS Desktop 10.3.1

Additional Work Samples